Saturday, February 25, 2012

Mutashar samurai rule out the national meeting before the Arab Summit


The independent Iraqi news agency / follow-up ... Ruled out for the Iraqi List MP Mutashar Samurai to hold a national meeting before the Arab Summit and Samarrai said it was clear there who are trying to renege on agreements and manipulates the ceiling between the demands of politicians during the preparatory committees

He Mutashar to the reporter (and the Iraqi News Agency Independent) that the payment Ballqa National far behind schedule that the decision to him before the summit is just trying to pressure but of another kind to make the other offers some concessions, describing a meeting politicians anticipated what is Alanua of other types of anesthesia of the Iraqi street, stressing that the crisis will break out again after the conference sooner or later regardless of whether or not resolved the fact that there is a crisis of confidence as well as some with some other manipulation.


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