Saturday, February 4, 2012

Talabani: the success of the National Congress to lead in starting a new stage commensurate with the challenges facing the country

Talabani: the success of the National Congress to lead in starting a new stage commensurate with the challenges facing the country

Said President Jalal Talabani said the success of the forthcoming national conference that would lead to a serious stage commensurate with the magnitude of the challenges facing the country and the political process.
Talabani said in a congratulatory message to the Iraqis and Muslims on the occasion of the anniversary of the birth of Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family, that
At the forefront of national tasks faced by the Iraqis on this anniversary of the blessed is to continue to pursue efforts to overcome the outstanding issues in the political life, and the development and maturation factors in order to reach the National Conference setting a positive help in the development of dialogue and lead him to be productive for the benefit of the political process advances and get rid of obstacles.
Talabani said in the letter received Fayhaa copy of it, that would succeed and radically and decisively lead to starting a new phase commensurate with the magnitude of the challenges facing the country and its process of political, also included the transition qualitatively the performance required of the functions of internal services such as security and completion of legislation and laws to back national action and progress forward.
The Talabani at the end of his warmest congratulations to all the Muslims in Iraq and the world, calling on God to bless them as much as pleases Him and what pleases them, and that makes them safe, assured, and that is difficult Iraq, his family and is difficult Iraqis in their country and their state of peace, freedom and goodness and justice.


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