Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Economist: postponement of tariff badly damaged productive sectors

  Tuesday 07/03/2012

Baghdad (news) .. Economic expert said Bassem Jamil Antoine, to postpone the tariff law is strong and sudden blow to the industrialists and traders Iraqis, noting that it was badly damaged productive sectors.
Said Antoine (of the Agency news) said on Tuesday: The decision to postpone the tariff is a strong and sudden blow to the industrialists and traders Iraqis as a result of the sinking of the Iraqi market in goods and shoddy goods and cheap that deprive local traders and industrialists from the discharge of their products.

He added: There are executed depends on the strength of transmit opportunities for the non-application of tariff and continue to open the border for entry of goods and foreign goods from all countries without being subject to the specifications and standardization and quality control to satisfy the Iraqi market Kalojhzh Chinese goods shoddy short-lived.

And Antoine: that the border areas is not ready for all items entering the goods, commodities and international laboratories, calling for: the government require that the countries that ship goods to Iraq to give certificates of origin, health certificate and specifications of the goods sold to countries, indicating the following: that these measures will protect the Iraqi citizens of the goods poor.

He stressed the economic expert: the need to take a package of measures includes the provision of infrastructure for the productive sectors and the provision of soft loans and the provision of electricity in the industrial areas and the provision of fuel to run the labs, to create and provide technical staff specialist sectors to support and promote domestic productive sectors and reduce unemployment through the operation of labor a great addition to the open labs that work on the stalled form (80%) of the private sector and is working to solve the economic problem and adds something to the Iraqi national product. Finished / 21. a. p /