Sunday, July 1, 2012

Nassif high demand (team confidence) to withdraw his ministers from the government if they think they failed to provide services

 Sun 07/01/2012

Baghdad (news) .. Demanded the MP / Iraqi bloc of free / high Nassif, a team claimants to withdraw confidence from Maliki's government to withdraw their ministers from the government if they really believe that it has failed to provide services.
She said in a statement to transfer the Information Office of the cluster: the blocks on the claim of no confidence of the Maliki government to move away from the policy of double standards and that, trying to condone failures and Minister for the purpose of inventory of the crisis in the person of the Prime Minister in particular.

She added: If the claimants to withdraw confidence from the Prime Minister seeking to achieve the interests of citizens and not their self-interest, it was better for them to take the initiative to withdraw all their ministers from the government, although the majority of their ministers may not be their points of view are identical necessarily with the orientations of the leaders of the blocs. / Finished / d . N /