Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Oil Expert: intransigence between Baghdad and Erbil reason to delay oil and gas law .. And will begin soon with the assistance of the Federal Court and the United Nations


Baghdad (news) .. attributed oil expert Hamza jeweler, delay enactment of the oil and gas to severe intransigence between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government, confirming the existence of any obstacles in the articles of the law.
The jeweler (of the Agency news) on Tuesday: The Federal Government submitted a draft on the law of oil and gas and the Kurdistan Regional Government also submitted a draft of the law and when examining drafts turns out that drafts identical (80%), but as a result of the intransigence between the region and the center last legislation law.
He added that both the center and the region believes that the draft presented to him, correct and both of them looking for private interest and his government is not in the interest of Iraq in general, prompting the postponement of the law.

He said: that the draft submitted by the federal government is close to the corresponding logic for the benefit of Iraq in general.

He pointed out: that the solution to the crisis depends on the agreement of the parties before the Federal Court and the United Nations which will soon crisis.

And between Jeweler: that all Iraqis oil experts have studied drafts, and found that the two approaches drafts some (80%), a percentage that promise resolve the crisis between Baghdad and Erbil. Finished / 21. N. P /