Sunday, September 9, 2012

Iraqi calls for steps (bold) pave the way for dialogue after the return of Talabani middle of the month


MP for the Iraqi List, a full-Dulaimi said the differences between the Baghdad government and the Kurdistan region has taken adequate scope and time. Believing that the solution lies in dialogue based on clear bases and identify the points of contention and find exits that will satisfy all parties. Dulaimi asked in his speech for the (East) whether the statement MP for the coalition of state law, Ihsan al-Awadi, which says: "The relationship between the province and the center is beginning to return to normal real" constructed on the basis of open dialogue and identify the points of contention disputed? Or is the media part of the truce between the two parties?. Dulaimi continued: I have been converted statements Almtencjh to calm. He added: (You must continue this calm media to find a quick and bold steps to sit to the table, but everyone is waiting for the return of President Jalal Talabani in the middle of this month).
And between Kurdish MP shareholders a national partnership government did not withdraw them. Confirming the presence of Kurdish MPs and ministers in Baghdad and convey positive messages between the two parties. Believing that the delay in resolving the outstanding problems caused by not set a date for the upcoming national conference called by President Jalal Talabani, and everyone is waiting for his return to schedule a dialogue. He pointed out that Iraq was subjected to large waterfalls of blood and does not have the ability today to deliver more than made ​​sacrifices because of disagreements politicians who can find a solution to the lingering crisis and get out of this impasse.
In the same context, MP for the coalition of state law Ibrahim Rikabi: "There is no good news to start the restoration of relations between Baghdad and Erbil at the present time, as they are wishes and calm to the differences existing between the two governments." And described Rikabi in his speech (Orient) the relationship between the governments in Baghdad and Erbil Palmakdh and divergent, because the Kurdistan Regional Government want to earn interest only to its territory with regard to Kirkuk and oil and gas law and arming the Peshmerga, and when you achieve these paragraphs by her wishes, there will be a political consensus and return their relationship on good terms with the central government. "and the Attorney that this calm came to wait for President Jalal and waiting Conference the forthcoming national and dialogue on the contents of the paper reform.
On the other hand, MP from the Kurdistan Alliance Said Messenger no message or official Report on the promise of good for resolving the crisis between the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Government of Baghdad, only a paper reform. Messenger said in his speech for the (East): If there are contacts between the leaders of Baghdad and the Kurdish leaders behind the scenes I do not know. He said: "We see the flexibility and ease in visual media and written by the two parties." Hoping "that this flexibility is beginning to resolve the crisis between the province and the center." And the Attorney that the constitution if making a judgment found solutions to all the problems that exist. Stressing the lack of courage to come to the table dialogue. pointing to the existence of the intransigence of the parties. describing begins to cede to resolving the current crisis bigger Balrabh.