Saturday, March 31, 2012

Moon asserts that Talabani of understanding with Kuwait will contribute to the lifting of international sanctions on Iraq

Moon asserts that Talabani of understanding with Kuwait will contribute to the lifting of international sanctions on Iraq

President Jalal Talabani, with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon the situation in the capital Baghdad and political developments in the Arab region.

He said the President during the meeting, according to a statement for the presidency that Iraq is expected from the United Nations to support Iraq out of Chapter VII.

The President of the Republic of Iraq's readiness to fully cooperate both with the international organization or with its neighbors and thereby helping to achieve stability, progress and development, explaining that the Iraqi people expect all the support and backing of the Secretary-General and the United Nations to help Iraq restore its natural state.

For his part, Secretary General of the United Nations the importance of Iraq to regain its important role, both regionally and internationally, and to help in a positive interaction with its Arab, regional and international community in general.

Moon said that success in organizing and hosting this summit is an important milestone in this path, and continue to work together and understanding between Iraq and Kuwait, helping to lift from Chapter VII.


Baghdad to host a meeting in April, an Iraqi Kuwaiti

Saturday, March 31 / March 2012

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The two sides are preparing for the Kuwaiti and Iraqi-level meeting of foreign ministers in Baghdad to discuss the details of the visit by finally Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to Kuwait and that the talks dealt with a number of outstanding issues between the two countries.

The Iraqi statement was announced after the visit to Iraq and Kuwait agreed to hold a second session of the Joint Higher Committee, Iraq - Kuwait in Baghdad during the first half of next April under the chairmanship of the Foreign Ministers of both countries.

Kuwaiti newspapers said Saturday, citing diplomatic sources, it expects that the visit Altarichahalta carried out by the Amir of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah to Baghdad last Thursday to participate in the Summit will add a more positive atmosphere at the talks ahead.

The newspaper quoted Aloutmn Kuwaiti Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Khalid Al-Jarallah, "The participation of Kuwait in the Baghdad summit at the highest level represented by the presence of Prince has had a positive impact contributed to the success of the first summit in Baghdad since the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait under Saddam Hussein, adding that the participation of Prince comes in the context of the Kuwaiti support for Iraq and the restoration of its role in the Arab system, which price the Iraqis through the participation of Prince at the top.

The Iraqi delegation headed by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki had held during his visit to Kuwait on March 14 detailed discussions with the Emir of Kuwait on the overall issues of relations, Iraq - Kuwait, was reached on a number of understandings on the settlement of the debt owed ​​by Iraqi Airways and the completion of a final settlement, on and off side Kuwait's all legal proceedings and claims on the company property and Iraq ».

A statement issued after the talks that «Iraq is committed to international resolutions binding the completion of the maintenance of signs of the land border between the two countries and begin to implement its obligations towards the United Nations, also discussed the issue of freedom of navigation in the Khawr Abd Allah and cooperation to ensure the rights of the parties through the management of common and not to any damage to the interests of both sides ». / End


Al-Bayati: Assigning the Preparatory Committee for the meeting of the national meeting is very close to final agreement on the agenda

Saturday, March 31 / March 2012

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Deputy for a coalition of state law on charging the Preparatory Committee for the national meeting held a meeting during the next two days.

The MP said Abbas al-Bayati told all of Iraq [where] the day that the "Preparatory Committee for the meeting of the national has been charged with holding a meeting soon during the next two days, for several things, including agreement on a draft agenda for the meeting as the final and agreed to attend in addition to the agreement to determine the time and place of the meeting once ".

He added that "this meeting of the Preparatory Committee came after the Commission has reached about a week before the draft to the semi-final on the agenda at the national meeting and determine what issues to be discussed in it."

This is due to hold leaders of political blocs next Thursday after selected by President Jalal Talabani, a meeting to discuss the current political crisis, especially the differences between the State of Law coalition, led by Nuri al-Maliki and the Iraqi List led by Iyad Allawi on several files. Ended 2.


Kurdish lawmaker: Baghdad summit was a success and we hope to be an incentive for the parties to resolve the political crisis

Saturday, March 31 / March 2012


Deputy for the Kurdistan Alliance, the success of the Arab summit in Baghdad.

The MP said Mahmoud Othman told all of Iraq [where] that "the Arab summit Ptsouri it successful in terms of the contract in Baghdad, and that success comes in the light of the parties to the opposition held in Iraq, but to talk about their success by all means in my opinion is exaggerated and untrue, whether it at the level of representation at the level of Arab or files that are discussed in the summit. "

He added, "We hope that the success of the summit a motivation and incentive for the parties to the political in resolving the current crisis, especially since Iraq took over the presidency of the Arab League for a whole year and this can not be for Iraq to managed successfully if it is not political discourse and the house internal Iraqi uniform, so I think supposed to take care of all the political parties and the government precisely in this matter and seek to unite in order to carry out this great responsibility. "

The Arab summit, the twenty-third in Baghdad concluded last Thursday in the presence of all members of the Arab League, except for Syria, including ten Arab leaders, has yielded the Summit declaration of Baghdad containing the [49] article, which dealt with a crisis, Syria, Palestine and the importance of the prohibition of weapons of mass destruction in the region and raise the level of cooperation between Arab countries and several other things.

This is due to hold the leaders of Iraqi political blocs next Thursday after determined by a meeting to discuss the current political crisis, especially the differences between the State of Law coalition, led by Nuri al-Maliki and the Iraqi List led by Iyad Allawi. Is over 17.


Vice Kurdistan: Erbil agreement is still ink on paper did not apply them only a few

Saturday 31/03/2012

Erbil (news) .. Confirmed member of the Kurdistan Alliance MP / Kurdistan Alliance bloc / Schiller Aziz, that the Convention Erbil signed by Massoud Barzani and Maliki is still ink on paper has not carried out only a few of them.
Said Aziz (of the Agency news) on Saturday: The political situation of Iraq needs to hold the National Congress, to resolve disputes between the political blocs, stressing that the agreement of Erbil, which was signed by the President of Kurdistan region Masoud Barzani and the National Alliance of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, have not been implemented, including but something a little and that of Kurdistan and the Iraqi List, demanding implementation.
The Kurdish MP: Everyone knows that to be resolved disputed issues are the political line of genuine partnership in the management of the state and not to succumb to one person or one block.
With the approaching date of the meeting of the Preparatory Committee for the National Conference, the Preparatory Committee, member of MP / National Alliance / Ammar taste, the absence of any official notification to convene a meeting of the Committee to finish its tasks and to schedule the conference.
The taste (the news): We have not so far the meeting time of the Preparatory Committee for the National Conference and perhaps in the coming days will be held the meeting, stressing that there is no clogged for a meeting of the Committee or the National Congress, and there is keen from the National Alliance and other political blocs to complete the work of the Committee.
The MP for the National: The Alliance is committed to implementing any provision agreed in the meetings, whether Baghdad or Erbil, according to the Convention on the Constitution and the law. / End / 24. D. Q /


Ammar taste: We have not so far time of meetings of the Preparatory Committee of the National Conference

Saturday 31/03/2012

Baghdad (news) .. According to a member of the Preparatory Committee for MP / National Alliance / Ammar taste, the absence of any official notification to convene a meeting of the Committee to finish its tasks and to schedule the conference.
The taste in the statement (of the Agency news) on Saturday: We have not so far the date of the meeting of the Preparatory Committee for the National Conference and perhaps in the coming days will be held the meeting, stressing that there is no clogged for a meeting of the Committee or the National Congress, and there is keen from the National Alliance and the political blocs the other to complete the work of the Committee.
The MP for the National: The Alliance is committed to the implementation of any clause agreed in the meetings, whether Baghdad or Erbil, according to the Convention on the Constitution and the law.
He was President Jalal Talabani announced its agreement with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and Parliament Speaker Osama Najafi, to convene a conference to resolve the political crisis in the country on the fifth of next month.
The Iraqi List, has announced its boycott of the meetings of the Preparatory Committee of the National Conference to be held on the fifth of next April for the implementation of all the terms of the Erbil, called upon to convene a conference of leaders of political blocs to save Iraq in the event of failure to reach agreement to end the political crisis in the country. / Finished / 7 . j. N /


Friday, March 30, 2012

Source: Sabah al-Maliki and agreed to support Kuwait to Iraq, the Security Council and quickly end the differences


Said a source familiar with, on Friday, the Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki met with Emir of Kuwait Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah on the sidelines of the Summit and agreed to support Kuwait to Iraq in the Security Council to speed up directed from under the Chapter VII resolution of outstanding issues as soon as possible.

The source, who declined to be named to the sensitivity of the subject's "Twilight News" that "Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki withdrew from the summit with the Emir of Kuwait Sabah Al-Sabah met with him and exchanged the modern in many ways."

The source added that "both parties agreed to support Kuwait to Iraq in the UN Security Council to accelerate directed under Chapter VII."

The source continued that "the two sides also agreed to speed up resolution of outstanding problems between the two countries as soon as possible through the joint committee between the two countries."

"The Emir of Kuwait, expressed his admiration for the Iraqi reception, which he described Baali level as expressed fully prepared to develop relations between the two countries."

UNSC resolution restored Iraq’s full sovereignty

Friday, March 30, 2012

BAGHDAD / The United Nations Security Council’s resolution to bring Iraq out of Chapter VII of the UN Charter has restored Iraq’s full sovereignty over its money abroad, the chairman of the parliamentary security and defense committee said on Tuesday. “The resolution is an acknowledgement that Iraq no longer poses a threat to the security of other countries,” Hadi al-Aameri told UN Security Council Resolution 678 was the legal authorization for the Gulf War, which was passed on 29 November 1990. It gave Iraq an opportunity to withdraw from Kuwait by 15 January 1991 and authorized UN member states in cooperation with the government of Kuwait to use “all necessary means to uphold and implement” Chapter VII of the UN Charter, which authorizes the use of force to restore peace. Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter sets forth the powers of the UN Security Council to maintain peace. It allows the council to “determine the existence of any threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression” and to take military and non-military action to “restore international peace and security.” The United Nations Security Council on Monday unanimously voted to extend arrangements for depositing the proceeds from sales of petroleum, petroleum products and natural gas into the Development Fund for Iraq and to review all resolutions pertaining to Iraq from 1990. SS (S) 1


UN commends the role of the Iraqi government to unify Arab ranks


The independent Iraqi news agency / Mtnabah. Praised UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, who is visiting Baghdad to attend a meeting of the Arab summit 23 in Baghdad, which was held yesterday, the role of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki Bamahora important in unifying the Arab ranks towards translating the goals held for it the top and they appear as accepted by all parties.

He said UN Secretary-General in a press statement quoted by (Iraqi News Agency, Independent) We applaud the wisdom of the Iraqi leadership and experience to contain all the flexibility of the political movement supported by expertise and skill. Considering that the Baghdad summit included a session is ideal in terms of general atmosphere and good preparation and hard work.

He added that we expect the moon to bear fruit for resolving the crisis, efforts Syria, where the coming days will witness intensive rounds in order to avoid deterioration of the situation, calling on Arab states to have to listen to their people after the winds of change, as demanded by creating jobs for young people, and attaches great importance to their As the Arab Awakening opened the doors of cooperation with the United Nations, as in Libya and Syria.


Member of Finance Committee: of the most important economic consequences for the Arab summit Arab banks to create a development

Friday 3/30/2012

Baghdad (news) .. A member of the Finance Committee MP / National Alliance / Abdul-Hussein al-Yasiri, the most prominent and most important of the economic consequences of the establishment of the Arab summit, Arab banks of development, and that through the promotion of their economies, especially Iraq, referring to the principle of Arab economic integration is very important.
Yasiri said (of the Agency news): The Economic Conference has a positive economic results will include all the Arab peoples through the development of strategies and plans and to work towards economic integration, which will unite the Arab markets and the integration of banks, as well as the establishment of Arab banks of development, will contribute to the process of economic integration among Arab countries .

He added that the most important issues that were raised at the conference salinity marine, tourism and natural disasters, pointing out that the water issue is an issue very important for the Arab States and of interest to Iraq in the lead as the sources of Iraqi waters, especially rivers, the Tigris and Euphrates come from Europe and there is an Arab force consists of ( 22) state, all belonging to the United Nations membership, which would reflect positively for the sake of Iraq's water.

He explained: There is an old project has been put forward in previous conferences of the Arab Economic and perhaps introduce now is to take advantage of Iraqi waters and not released into the sea water and the necessity of preservation for the benefit of approximately (4) Arab nations and up to the Sultanate of Oman.

The Yasiri to: that the principle of Arab economic integration is very important that the Arab states contain (600) million people and the labor are many and some Arab countries have abundant natural huge oil and which form (69%) of the oil reserves the world, so the Arab countries have the privilege to appoint some Arab countries that suffer from poverty and deprivation, calling to benefit from the experience of the European Union through the market and common currency among them.

And approved by the Economic and Social Council at its meeting last Tuesday, in Baghdad, the presence of the Ministers of Finance and Economy and the Arabs, three strategies on water security, tourism, disaster reduction to meet the challenges and future requirements for sustainable development.
The meeting concluded a series of resolutions and enables reporter Agency (news) to get the text of the decisions, where ministers decided at their meeting: Adoption of the strategy of Arab tourist and mechanisms of implementation, and asked the Arab Ministerial Council for Tourism to take the steps necessary to implement the strategy of Arab tourist and the application of mechanisms and follow-up implementation .
The ministers adopted the strategy of water security in the Arab region to face the challenges and future requirements for sustainable development, and to invite the Arab Ministerial Council for water to take the steps and procedures necessary to implement the strategy of water security in the Arab region to face the challenges and future requirements for sustainable development in coordination with the Arab Centre for the Studies of Arid and Arid Lands. / End / 8. d. Q /


Talabani and the Arab call for implementation of decisions of previous economic summits to promote the reality of Arab economic

Talabani and the Arab call for implementation of decisions of previous economic summits to promote the reality of Arab economic

Called on President Jalal Talabani during a meeting chaired by Arab leaders at the Arab summit to work together and implement decisions of the previous economic summits to promote the reality of the Arab economic Lasham in the development of Arab economies and out of the global economic crisis ..

To that Nabil Arab League Secretary General during his speech at the Arab summit of Baghdad, said the summit adopted strategies to activate joint Arab action and support the reality of tourism
And disaster reduction and support of the Arab economy in various forms.


Maliki's coalition: the conditions set by the National Conference thwarted an attempt to


Baghdad, March 30 / March (Rn) - The State of Law coalition of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on Friday that put the Iraqi List and the Kurdistan Alliance, the conditions should be applied before the National Congress is bound to derail the conference.

Hanan fatlawi And underscores the Iraqi List and the Kurdistan Alliance, the need to implement all the terms of the Arbil before National Conference, which prompted the Iraqi announcement of the non-participation in the meeting unless the application of the Convention.

Said Rep. Hanan al for the rule of law, told the Kurdish news agency (Rn) "I do not think the National Congress will work to set conditions in particular, and he was left only 5 days to hold a national conference .. put these conditions is to try to derail the conference."

She explained that the "agreement of Arbil was left of it except a little .. everyone is talking about an agreement Arbil not know what the deal is this Agreement under which the government was formed and divided positions on the political blocs."

"There are problems with the structure of the Iraqi state that the most important topics to be raised at the conference."

The president of the republic to set the fifth of April as a date to hold a national conference and discuss the problems that exist between the political blocs.

And announced that the Preparatory Committee of the National Conference that its last meeting resulted in agreement on the structure of the agenda of the national meeting and the formation of a special committee to put items on the agenda that the President Jalal Talabani and the time to locate the National Conference.

The country has witnessed political tension was accompanied by security breaches days after the departure of U.S. forces in December 18 last December under the security agreement signed between the two countries.


Preacher of Karbala: We hope that the summit be a catalyst for Baghdad to remove Iraq from Chapter VII

Friday, March 30 / March 2012


The representative of the religious authority in Karbala, Ahmad Safi is hoped that the Arab summit conference in Baghdad as a catalyst to remove Iraq from Chapter VII.

Safi said in a Friday sermon in the courtyard Husseini cleanser was attended by the correspondent of the agency all of Iraq [where] today, "We hope that the Arab Summit as a catalyst to remove Iraq from Chapter VII, and we have to seek the brothers in the OIC and the Arab League and the Organization of the United Nations in this matter because there is no justification for the survival of Iraq under Chapter VII in order to return to full sovereignty, "adding that" the opening up of Iraq on the Arab world in the process of health system of political action. "

"We need to jump in the level of thinking of political leaders in the suffering of the people, and leaders can make to transform the Iraqi experience of bitter to the experience of Atesfad them in building the country, especially since Iraq is a country rich, and must be the return of hope to the people through the ideas of right and ideas of developmental and got up the country. "

Safi said that "the political actors involved in this, as things began to gradually melancholy must begin to correct some of the ideas gradually."

He stressed, "to be correct paths wrong Kalaltfav law and listen to the voice out of the country," saying "We are now in a position to and opportunities should be exploited to correct the paths of the country, and the search for ports hope for politicians and so by visiting officials to the provinces."

He called for net security services to "pushing its members in practical sessions on how to deal with the citizens," noting that "the concept of security is not also deals with him during the former regime."

He stressed that "the security man that Alouto ease in dealing with citizens, and that he has to be a literary contexts for the security man." Ended.


Talabani and Maliki thank the Iraqi officials for the success of the summit and apologize to Baghdadis

Friday 03/30/2012

Baghdad (news) .. made Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki thanked the Iraqi people and leaders of the Presidency and the House of Representatives and the security services on the success of the Arab summit.
He said in a speech addressed to the Iraqi people: The convening of the Arab Summit as a challenge for us and the preparations and preparations for the highest levels and the results were the opening up of Iraq on the Arab world and vice versa.
He added: I apologize to the Iraqi people of perseverance and patience on the security measures that were imposed on us because of the terrorist groups attempt to block the Arab summit in Baghdad, as well as directed all the Arab countries that attended the Arab Summit and the Security Committee and the media.
It also extended his thanks to President Jalal Talabani and parliament speaker Osama Najafi and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ozerha Hoshyar Zebari, the Supreme Security Committee of the Summit and all government departments that have contributed to the success of the summit.
Singled out al-Maliki thanked the security services in all its formations and stayed that night and had to "foil the attempts of terrorists to derail the summit of the chase after them. / Finished / l. M /


Thursday, March 29, 2012

Member of the state law: Maliki is ready to implement the demands of all the blocks provided that the constitutional

Thursday, 29/03/2012

Baghdad (news) .. Declared member of a coalition of state law MP / National Alliance / net Hussein Prime Minister's willingness to implement all the constitutional demands of the political blocs to unite the political life and the relationship between political leaders, pointing out that the cases of al-Hashemi and al-Mutlaq was not an issue on the agenda of the conference.
The net (of the Agency news) on Thursday was an agreement between the Preparatory Committee for the conference not to put the issues of Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi, Deputy Prime Minister Saleh al-Mutlaq in the National Congress and the special issue Hashemi as a lawsuit can not be solved politically.
He added that Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki is ready to implement the demands of political blocs, the requirement to be unconstitutional for the unification of political life and the relationship between political leaders to end the differences, but not the right of the Prime Minister to intervene to issues pertaining to the judiciary because there is a benefit to the people issues judiciary so it can not a resolution of the issue Hashemi politically. / Finished / d. Q /


Kuwait expresses its confidence in the ability of Iraq to the success of the Arab Summit

Kuwait expresses its confidence in the ability of Iraq to the success of the Arab Summit

Kuwait has expressed confidence the success of Iraq for the Arab summit, expressing her admiration for Iraq's insistence on holding the summit in Baghdad to confirm his commitment to a strong return to the joint Arab action.

He and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kuwait Khaled Al-Jarallah during a meeting with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, about hopes and the aspirations of Kuwait to achieve this summit the desired results, stressing his country's confidence that Iraq and his administration for acts of this summit will lead this summit to success is evidence of the return of Iraq to exercise its role natural center of the Arab nation and in the regional and international communities.

For its part, promised Rep. Susan Saad holding the Arab summit in Baghdad as a victory for the will of Iraq's national express hope the summit successfully and build bridges of communication between everyone.


Deputy for Iraq: security ministries will be resolved in the heart of the National Conference

Thursday, 29.03.2012

Baghdad (news) .. According to a member of the Accordance Front MP / coalition in Iraq / Walid Abboud Mohammadi, that the security ministries will be on the agenda of the National Conference to be resolved.
Mohammadi said in a statement (of the Agency news) on Wednesday: There are many problems outstanding between the political blocs must be resolved after all the Arab summit, especially with regard to the security ministries and the terms of Erbil.
He added that the security ministries will be on the top agenda of the National Congress, as well as the terms of Irbil to the presence of many of the points are stuck between the political parties must be resolved to apply all the items.
Earlier, the MP for the / block change / Azad Jalak, there is no escaping the problems of the current political, but solve them through the National Congress and sit at one table, and expected to be able to the Preparatory Committee of the numbers of the agenda of the Conference before the fifth of next month when the conference .
Jalak said in an earlier statement (the news): in front of the inevitable political blocs of the outstanding problems between them but to sit at the negotiating table and to reach common solutions through the National Congress, noting that the escalation in all its aspects does not serve the political process.
He added that the Iraqi constitution prevents the return of dictatorship and calls for democracy and respect for human rights and is not easy to be directed to a particular block of autocracy that the best solution to get out of the current crisis is the will to build confidence between the political parties, and solve problems.
He said: that the National Congress of the last opportunity to resolve the crisis and that its failure could lead Iraq towards the abyss, and this is not desired by everyone, there are blocks with the intention of resolving the crisis.
The MP for the mass change to: that the political will that will move the political process forward, and the absence will have the problems will continue explode at any time, calling on leaders of the blocks to sit on the negotiating table and make concessions to each other for the good of the country.
Jalak predicted: that you can Preparatory Committee for the National Conference to prepare the agenda of the Conference before the fifth of next month, to resolve the differences that appear from time to time, if there were not radical solutions to the problem. / Finished / 2. N. R /


Urgent .. The arrival, Ban Ki-moon to Baghdad airport

Thursday, March 29 / March 2012


Arrived UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to the Baghdad International Airport.

A source at the airport in Baghdad, told all of Iraq [where] that "the Secretary-General Kofi Annan arrived in Baghdad to the airport now to participate in the Arab summit scheduled for today."

He added, "Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari met Ki-moon at the airport."

And the complexity of the Arab summit this afternoon its third session in the twenty-government palace in Baghdad with a number of leaders and heads of Arab states and their representatives.

And held in the past two days two meetings of the Ministers of Economy of Arabs and Arab foreign ministers to prepare for the Arab summit to be held today. End


Director of the Association of private banks is proposed to increase interest rates on bank deposits to encourage them

Thursday, 29.03.2012

Baghdad (news) .. The head of the Association of private banks Abdul Aziz Hassoun to increase the value of the benefit of bank deposits to encourage citizens to deposit their money in banks, in order to invest in the development of the country's economy.
The Goldfinch (for the Agency news) on Thursday: should encourage citizens and owners of the funds to deposit their money in banks by increasing the interest rate currently estimated (3%) by the Central Bank, despite the fact that the Banking Act for the year (2004) granted freedom to banks in determine the interest rate, creating confusion in the work of banks and lack of coordination among them.
He suggested Goldfinch: Increased interest rate for funds deposited for each bank and set up a fund to collect funds from bank interest that come looking for ways of loans granted by banks, to give the rate of interest on funds deposited to it, so do not affect the banking business, pointing out that the value of the loan interest is usually be more than the value of deposits of financial interest to encourage citizens to invest their money through banks. / Finished / 8. d. Q /


Vice with him: the Kurdistan Alliance will travel other ways with the government in the event of non-implementation of its demands

Thursday, 29.03.2012

Erbil (news) .. The deputy from / Kurdistan Alliance bloc / Sirwan Ahmed, expressed optimism that carried out the demands of the Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Alliance to resolve the crisis between the central government and the territorial Government.
Ahmed said (of the Agency news) said on Wednesday: We hope that there is a tendency toward the net outstanding issues between state law and the Kurdistan Alliance, expressing the hope that it implement the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki demands of the Kurdistan Alliance in the near future.
He added that the National Congress will present all the outstanding issues between the political blocs, including the outstanding problems between the central government and the provincial government will meet the demands of the provincial government to end the differences with the central government.
The MP from Kurdistan Alliance bloc to: that the alliance will be directed to other means with the central government to address the outstanding issues, in the event of failure to implement the demands of the Kurdistan Alliance.
And escalated limited differences between the parties, because of Article (140) which calls for the Kurdistan Alliance application, and acknowledgment of the right to form regions, and reached these differences peak after an asylum Vice President Tariq al-Hashimi to Erbil on charges of issues of terrorism. / End / 24. For. M /


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Ban urges settling Iraq-Kuwait issues as per UNSC resolutions


KUWAIT, March 28 (KUNA) -- Visiting UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called on the Iraqi government on Wednesday to implement fully the UN Security Council (UNSC) resolutions stemming from the invasion of Kuwait in 1990 and settle the sticking issues between the two neighboring countries.
The UN chief made the call during a joint press conference with Undersecretary of the Kuwaiti Foreign Ministry Khalid Al-Jarallah.
He said he encourages Iraq to fully meet its commitments towards Kuwait, notably those relating to the Kuwaitis missing in action, the stolen property and the damages for the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait.
Ban, meanwhile, appreciated the progress made in the normalization of the bilateral relations particularly "the good step" taken in this direction during the visit to Kuwait by Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki in mid-March.
He commended the launching of a joint ministerial committee between the two countries during "the very successful" visit of Al-Maliki.
The Iraqi government has to pursue steps towards settling all sticking issues with Kuwait in order to rid Iraq of the sanctions imposed more than two decades ago under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, he urged.
The UN works to promote security and stability in the Gulf region pursuant to all relevant UNSC resolutions, he stressed, noting that Kuwait is a very strong partner of the UN in the efforts to promote democracy and human rights.
Commenting on the democratization of Kuwait, he said the country is a very lively and democratic one that enjoys free press.
He voiced joy for the parliamentary elections in Kuwait in last February, saying that the polls were fully successful, credible and democratic and provided a good example to be followed by other countries particularly under the ongoing changes in the Arab world.
Earlier today Ban and his entourage were received byHis Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah.
He said the meeting dealt with regional issues, the Arab summit meeting, due to open in Baghdad tomorrow, and the Kuwaiti-Iraqi relations as well as the relations between Kuwait and the UN.
Ban said he was briefed on the draft report, worked out by the Arab foreign ministers on the eve of the summit.
He added that he took "great delight in seeing the team spirit" with which the Arab League is working notably in addressing the serious situations in Syria, noting that he has worked with the League' Secretary General Nabil Al-Araby since the very beginning of the crisis.
On his part, Al-Jarallah expressed hope that the Baghdad summit will lead to positive results in addressing the problems of the Arab world and restoring Iraq's normal role in the region.
He also voiced confidence that "the brothers in Iraq will spare no effort in making this summit a complete success and iron out all problems with Kuwait. (end) KUNA 282052 Mar 12NNNN


Iraq will be asked some Arab countries write off debts


(Iba) / follow / - Iraq's request of some Arab countries write off its debts and will present this approach in some Arab countries at the beginning of the Arab League summit meeting in Baghdad, to help it recover from the effects of the U.S. invasion in 2003.

Iraq has asked Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Libya, Jordan, Sudan, Egypt and Morocco to follow the example of the UAE and Algeria, which have agreed already to write off debts of Baghdad in full, the total debt of Iraq outside in 2003, about $ 140 billion, was settled largely through an agreement with the Paris Club in 2004. Iraq's debt amounted to Saudi Arabia last year's $ 30 billion, and Kuwait $ 22 billion in addition to compensation for the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1991 from the last century. (End)


Economists stress the inability of the Arab countries to unify its currency financial


Baghdad, March 28 / March (Rn) - A number of economists, on Wednesday, the inability of the Arab countries unify its currency, the currency and the introduction of the European single currency like the euro.

baghdad He said economic expert and member of the Iraqi trade Ziad al-Khafaji told the Kurdish news agency (Rn) that "the Arab countries can not develop a common currency like the euro because of the diversity of financial resources to have some of them depend on oil as supports another tourism or agriculture and industry."

He added that "to introduce a version of a common Arab currency is not easy to implement in the absence of stable economic and political conditions as well as an orientation would disrupt the Arab countries to ease the economic phenomenon of inflation."

He pointed out that "such a proposal in which the most prominent of many economic problems hinder economic development projects in Arab countries, as well as preoccupation with economic institutions, the process of organizing the common currency, design and size at the expense of the fight against poverty and the provision of work."

In turn, the former economic adviser in the Ministry of Trade Mohammed Hamza's (Okuz) that "the unification of the currency will not work in Arab countries because it is difficult to implement in an atmosphere of political unstable, but can work to provide legal cover for the currency trading Arabic among Arab countries."

He explained that "the legal cover is intended to develop mechanisms to ensure that smuggling of currency circulation and the organization does not harm the level of projects to combat inflation and reduce it, in addition to the expansion of trade and the establishment of an Arab Chamber of Commerce that includes all Arab countries."

He pointed out that "the Arab countries that will succeed in the establishment of the Arab Fund in tackling poverty in the Arab countries as required and set up a planning center for accurate surveys of the incidence of poverty in the Arab countries instead of the single currency project of concern".

For his part, economist and member of the Center for the Iraqi market economy (Rn) that "this project will be a lot of problems among them is blurring the Iraqi economy and the existence of legal and legislative barriers that hinder the implementation of the single currency project finance among the Arab countries."

He explained that "the problem of the Arab countries is not to adopt a unified and clear strategy to highlight the Arab economic stimuli that depend on them for the next phase."

The Finance Ministry said it launched the Iraqi Minister of Economy and Finance Project Arabs currency union between the Arab countries at the meeting held on Tuesday in Baghdad in the context of economic preparing files to be presented to Arab leaders at their summit on Thursday.

He said Finance Minister Rafie al-Issawi earlier (Rn) that "the Iraqi delegation to introduce a single currency at a meeting of Arab ministers of economy and the similarity of the euro to the European Union."

And the meeting of Ministers of Economy and Finance Forum, Tuesday, vote on three strategies related to the tourism and water security and disaster in the presence of six ministers as well as the Iraqi minister Khairallah Babiker, who chaired the meeting.

The Assistant Secretary-General of the Arab League announced yesterday the first Monday, on the participation of some 12 Arab head of state at the Summit of Baghdad, which will discuss a number of Arab issues, especially the Syrian crisis and the developments of "Arab spring" the Palestinian cause as well as restructuring the Arab League.

And began the work of the summit amid an unprecedented security in Baghdad is the deployment of tens of thousands of security forces and the closure of main roads after the Iraqi government announced disable office hours during the week.


Arab Summit: Declaration of Baghdad will call for the formation of an Arab court and a single currency


Baghdad, March 28 / March (Rn) - Head of the Media Committee of the Summit of Baghdad, on Wednesday, that the Declaration of Baghdad during the Arab summit will include two main political includes provisions for activating the democracy and the establishment of an Arab court in common, as will the axis of economic stress on the development of trade between Arab countries and to work to find a common Arab currency.

Ali al-Dabbagh told the Kurdish news agency (Rn) that a "declaration of Baghdad during the Arab summit will include two axes political deals with several basic issues, including the vision of Iraq out of the crisis, Syrian, and activation of democracy and human rights in Arab countries, and the establishment of a criminal court joint Arab."

He added by saying that "the second axis for the economic side will focus on activating the joint Arab action on various levels and call for the development of bilateral trade between Arab countries and work to find a market and the currency of a common Arab," noting that "Iraq believes that the stability of the relations of political come from the development of economic relations" .

The Baghdad Arab summit events began on Tuesday and the meeting of the Ministers of Economy, Finance and Trade Arabs and resulted in the adoption of three strategies economic.

The Secretary-General of the League of Arab States Arab Nabil, earlier, for "the inclusion of the Declaration of Baghdad on the agenda of the summit, which included one tenth paragraphs of a basic" and stressed that "the Baghdad Declaration prepared in cooperation with the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States."

The Arab League and participate effectively in the Syrian file, especially after naming former Secretary-General Kofi Annan's envoy to the joint United Nations and the University to discuss the deal with the crisis in Syria.

She says Baghdad Arab summit twenty-third, over the three days, I started meeting of the Arab economy ministers on Tuesday, was held today in a meeting of foreign ministers, is scheduled to hold a summit of presidents and kings and princes of Arab States on Thursday.


Ban Ki-moon in Kuwait before heading to the summit in Baghdad


The independent Iraqi news agency / listen ... The Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon on Wednesday in Kuwait, in talks with the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah on developments in the region.

According to press sources That "that arrived in Kuwait in a brief visit before heading to Baghdad, where he will attend on Thursday at the Arab summit which will be allocated a space of its business to discuss the situation in Syria."

The agency added, "it was during the meeting, they discussed the special relationship between the State of Kuwait and the General Authority of the United Nations and its various ways of enhancing them were also reviewed the various regional and international issues of common interest."

The Baghdad summit coincides with the approval of Syria on the six-point plan proposed by the international and Arab envoy Kofi Annan to resolve the crisis in this country.

Under the plan, especially to stop the violence by all parties under the UN supervision and assistance in the areas damaged by fighting, and to release all those detained by the authorities arbitrarily.

Syria confirmed today, refusing to deal with any initiative issued by the Arab Summit in Baghdad at any level.


Jubouri reason to seize the opportunity of the summit in Baghdad to activate trade and investment cooperation with Arab countries


The independent Iraqi news agency / Baghdad / a. ... The head of the Iraqi bloc called the white parliamentary Dr. Qutaiba Jubouri the Iraqi government to seize the opportunity of the Arab summit in Baghdad to activate trade and investment cooperation with Arab countries.

He told him the Information Office of the bloc and received (and the Iraqi News Agency Independent) that the convening of the Arab summit conference in Baghdad will be an opportunity to discuss the possibility of opening the door of investments to a number of Arab countries in various sectors, specialized by certain States, as well as promoting trade and bringing it to do without the level of import of goods from countries limited the Iraqi market filled with products specifications below average. "

He added: "The experience of dependence on Arab countries to have the investment activities in certain sectors could go back Bmrdodat positive on Iraq, due to the fact that these states are obliged to complete the projects to optimize as a moral imperative relating to ties neighborhood, and national affiliation, unlike some foreign companies that most have only profit material at the expense of quality projects. "

He continued: "The meetings Iraqi officials delegations of Arab, which includes ministers, economists and investors must include the search prospects of investment cooperation and trade, in preparation for the conclusion of contracts of benefit to both sides, and here we wish to take the Iraqi side of this opportunity which is rarely repeated."


Salim al: meetings to prepare for the meeting is productive and all the national currency is what has set the agenda.

Saturday, March 24 / March 2012

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MP for the Iraqi List, Salim al, "The meetings and the meetings of the Preparatory Committee for the forthcoming meeting of the National is still productive and unproductive did not make little steps."

He said in a statement to all of Iraq [where] that "the meetings of the Preparatory Committee for the meeting between the national political blocs failed to reach the results to resolve the outstanding problems as they are set the agenda for the meeting," he said.

He Jubouri "The most important findings of the committee formed to prepare and prepare for the upcoming national meeting and in more than two months is the status of" agenda "could have been formed less than this time period large."

Plans to leaders of political blocs held a national meeting after the configuration has been by a small committee was during the preparatory meetings of the political papers large blocks in order to reach a common vision and resolve the current political crisis.

The Iraqi List and the Kurds agreed to convene a national meeting before the Arab summit when he met with the existing Iraqi President Iyad Allay and the President of Kurdistan region Masoud Barzani and stressed the importance of a national meeting before the Arab Summit, but the National Alliance, said in a meeting on Friday that a national meeting will be after the summit Arabic to be held in Baghdad at the end of this month. "ended 2


Iraq poses the single currency project on the Arab ministers of economy


Baghdad, March 27 / March (Rn) - The Iraqi Ministry of Finance that it presented to the Ministers of Economy and Finance Forum project currency union between the Arab countries at the meeting held on Tuesday in Baghdad in the framework of the preparation of economic files to be presented to Arab leaders at their summit on Thursday.

Rafie al-Issawi He said Finance Minister Rafie al-Issawi, told the Kurdish news agency (Rn) that "the Iraqi delegation to introduce a single currency at a meeting of Arab ministers of economy and the similarity of the euro to the European Union."

He explained that "this project, if implemented, will enhance the ability of Arab countries will address the economic and Mchkakl inflation, unemployment and economic slack that has plagued Iraq and a number of Arab countries."

He pointed out that "The meeting also discussed the obstacles to build a dry canal link between the Arab countries in addition to providing Iraq with 150 megawatts of electricity through the line of Eight."

The Iraqi Ministry of Trade and the Ministers of Economy and Finance Arabs voted Tuesday on three strategies related to the tourism and water security and disaster, revealing the presence of six Arab ministers at the meeting along with the Iraqi minister Khairallah Babiker, who chaired the meeting.

The meeting began this afternoon and discussed a draft agenda, in addition to follow up the implementation of the outcomes of the Summit of Arab economic and social development in its first session (Kuwait, 2009) and its second session (Sharm El Sheikh: 2011), and prepare for the Third Economic Summit in Riyadh, 2013.

The Assistant Secretary-General of the Arab League announced on Monday on the participation of some 12 Arab head of state at the Summit of Baghdad, which will discuss a number of Arab issues, especially the Syrian crisis and the developments of "Arab spring" the Palestinian cause as well as restructuring the Arab League.

And began the work of the summit amid an unprecedented security in Baghdad is the deployment of tens of thousands of security forces and the closure of main roads after the Iraqi government announced disable office hours during the week.

The Syrian file of the leading topics on the agenda of the summit after it suspended the Arab League on 12 November, the membership of Syria, one of the founding members, in their meetings, because of repression by the regime forces in the face of an unprecedented popular uprising.

The Arab League and participate effectively in the Syrian file, especially after naming former Secretary-General Kofi Annan's envoy to the joint United Nations and the University to discuss the deal with the crisis in Syria.

But the Arab League remains divided on this issue at a time when Qatar is seeking to stay on top of the Committee in charge of the file of Syria.


Maliki during a speech at a meeting of foreign ministers confirmed the need to strengthen joint Arab action

Maliki during a speech at a meeting of foreign ministers confirmed the need to strengthen joint Arab action

Stressed Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki during a speech at a meeting of Arab foreign ministers on the need to strengthen joint Arab action, especially in light of the changes that Troet on the peoples of the Arab world.


Expert: Iraq is rich in minerals that will change if the economic advantage of its features are well

Wednesday 28/3/2012

Baghdad (news) .. Proposed economic expert, Abdul Sattar Hashemi contracting with specialized international companies for the extraction of minerals and investing, being a country with tremendous natural resources untapped, indicating that the optimal exploitation of the Iraqi economy will turn upside down and make it solid.
Hashemi said (of the Agency news): Iraq is rich in natural resources that are not invested to now, metal phosphates, sulfur, mercury, and should be exploited and investment through contracts with international companies, solid and specialized for the advancement of the Iraqi economy and its development.

He called for: re-activate the Iraqi industrial plants and development by providing the necessary support, they will be paid to the economic stability of the economy during the transition from unilateral to multilateral, pointing out that most of the world's non-oil based on its supplier industries in the annual report.

The Economist: The state budget, the current total (100) billion dollars and there are projects, strategy plays a big role to eliminate or reduce the rate of unemployment and poverty in Iraq, and the statistics of the Ministry of Planning refers to the existence of more than (40%) of the population of Iraq are the level of the poverty line and (25%) are without it. / Finished / 8. d. Q


A Yemeni official high-level of "news": the decisions of the Arab Economic Council will contribute to better economy of Arab States

Wednesday 28/03/2012

Baghdad (news) .. Counting, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Industry and Chairman of the Yemeni delegation at the meeting of ministers of finance and economics Arab Salim Mohammed Salman, the decisions of the Social Economic Council of the Arab concluded yesterday evening of the most important decisions made by the Alqqm earlier, noting that the establishment of an economic system integrated Arab, what was sought by Yemen .
Salman said in a statement singled out by the reporter Agency (news): The Council worked out the decisions of the task, which will be the organization of water resources and the recovery of the currency and the adoption of a strategy for Arab tourism and its implementation mechanisms.
He said Salman: The first item on tourism-Arab and mechanisms implemented, was the occasion of Yemen, where we seek to develop the tourism aspect, especially as the city of Aden of the most beautiful Arab cities, as well as to Iraq, which has religious tourism in the south, and tourism in the Kurdistan region, indicating the following: that the focus of food security is one of the most important themes of the Economic, especially since food security is the basis of social and regional security.
He said Undersecretary of the Ministry of Industry of Yemen to: that some Arab countries suffer from a deteriorating economy, and seeks to improve its economy and Vmorteurat Council yesterday contributed to develop mechanisms to improve the currency and the Arab economy through the creation of an integrated Arab economy system.
Salman revealed the intention to Yemen for the development of economic relations with Iraq in the coming period, adding that Yemen would send delegations economic, political and security for the development of bilateral relations between the two countries at all levels.
This was adopted by ministers of finance and economy Arabs at a meeting of the Economic and Social Arab, which concluded on Tuesday a strategic water security in the Arab region to face the challenges and future requirements for sustainable development, and to invite the Arab Ministerial Council for water to take the steps and procedures necessary to implement the strategy for water security in the Arab region to face the challenges and future requirements Sustainable Development in coordination with the Arab Center for Studies of Arid Zones and Dry Lands (ACSAD) and cooperation with relevant Arab organizations, and funding and donors.
Council also decided to follow up the measures taken by Arab countries and the League of Arab States and the Arab specialized ministerial councils and institutions of joint Arab action to follow up the implementation of the resolutions of Arab summits development in its first, second, and take note of the actions taken on the preparation of the Arab economic summit at its third session in Riyadh in January 2013 .
The ministers stressed the importance of the Arab Conference on the implementation of development goals in 2012, and the preparation of the desired perception of the move until the year 2015 and beyond in preparation for submission to the Arab Summit of Economic and Social Development at its third session in Riyadh, 2013.
Ministers also decided to adopt (the Marrakech Declaration) is committed to work as a platform by the Member States during the next five years to improve the conditions of childhood in the Arab region.
The meeting decided Ministerial adoption of the Arab strategy for disaster reduction and disaster risk, and to invite the Council of Arab Ministers concerned with the environment to take the steps and procedures necessary to implement the Arab Strategy for Disaster Reduction in coordination and cooperation with Arab organizations concerned. / End / 1. N. R /


Zebari confirms the return of Iraq to its effective role in the Arab League

Wednesday, March 28


Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari said in his speech after his accession to the presidency of the meeting of Arab foreign ministers being held in Baghdad on Iraq's return to his active role in the Arab League.

He called Zebari said in his speech to "strengthen the commitment to cooperation between Arab countries and respect the sovereignty of States and capacity-building and non-interference to its internal matters, and enhance Arab relations and safeguard the common interests to meet the challenges of the current stage, as far as it came to Iraq, the top Iraq summit of all the Arabs and honor to preserve and confirm his commitment to settle its relations with its Arab brothers. "

He added that "the summit in Baghdad, a sign of Iraq's return to its regional leadership role and practice of managing files in Arabic after long years of isolation because of the approach of the former regime who was expelled Iraq from its place because of its direction of aggression."

Zebari said that "the circumstances surrounding the region is currently pushing us to adopt a comprehensive program of reform of the Arab and political aspects as tribute and homage to the people who liberated their systems of dictatorship."

He added that "Iraq despite all the challenges Maewagha of internal and external transition puts his experience in front of the Arab brothers to see the mistakes that change the face of the political process to take advantage of them."

He touched on the Syrian issue, Zebari said: "We reaffirm that we support a political solution and national levels in Syria and reject any foreign intervention to solve them as we on our support and our commitment to UN efforts to resolve the crisis in Syria."

Zebari noted that "we strongly condemn the Israeli violations in Palestine and call for an end to internal Palestinian division, and call upon the United Nations to withdraw Israeli troops from Palestinian territory."

Zebari stressed "the necessity of joint Arab action in the eradication of terrorism and eradicate it from its sources."

The minister also called for "evacuated the barrier of the Middle East of weapons of mass destruction and force Israel to stop and prevent the spread of nuclear weapons." Ended


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Conclusion of the first session of the meetings of the Ministers of Economy and Finance in Baghdad

Ministers concluded merchants and financial Arabs first session of the meeting held on the sidelines of the Arab summit in Baghdad.

A source close to the Agency all of Iraq [where] on Tuesday that "the Minister of Economy, Trade and Finance Arabs wrapped up the first session of their meeting which was held this afternoon in the Hotel Ishtar among a set of meetings on the sidelines of the Arab summit in Baghdad."

And the ministers of finance and the economy today, the Arabs have held a meeting of the Council and Social Alaqstada Arab, which is the reports to be submitted to Arab leaders at the meetings of the Arab summit on Thursday.

Participated in the meeting today, six Arab ministers only, such as with the rest of the Arab countries participating in the meeting a number of consultants and delegates.

And delivered to Iraq today preside over the meetings of Arab Ministers of Libya and ensure that the agenda of the meeting several topics highlighted convert the free zone to the Federation of custom during 2015 and discuss strategic water security to meet the future challenges and strategic Arab for Disaster Reduction, in addition to the social profile and ways of economic cooperation between the Arab countries. Ended.


The Iraqi List, announced its boycott of the meetings of the Preparatory Committee of the National Conference.



Iraqi News Agency, the independent / private .... I learned and independent Iraqi news agency that the mass of the Iraqi List, has announced its boycott of the Preparatory Committee for creating the atmosphere to hold a national conference.
He said an official source in the list mentioned that the existing leader Iyad Allawi, has stipulated the return of his list to the meetings of the Committee mentioned the government to implement the terms of the Erbil The source had pointed out that the list will hold a meeting soon with Its position on how to participate in the National Auadamha.


Three strategies on the table and the Ministers of Finance and Economics Forum



Jamal Kilani: Arbil, Iraq will discuss the agreement and the rest of them in the upcoming national meeting



The independent Iraqi news agency / follow-up .... MP for the Iraqi List, Jamal step Kilani President of the Republic set a deadline for the national meeting early the first week of next month as a good and assuage the situation tense.

Kilani and said to the reporter (and independent Iraqi news agency) said it was "greatly aided the entry of Iraq to the summit, the absence of a stumbling block could undermine the role and maturity of the Arab waited for years.

He added Kilani, "The priorities of the Iraqi national meeting Bav of next month is the application of the remainder of the paper and Erbil, and try to bring the scattered parts as he put it.

He Kilani "Iraq must come to the final meeting of the Arab summit next Thursday and that a marriage contract to a session and one of the national meeting that it would be a notch to Iraq either Arab states that Iraq will be part of the solution.


Talabani and Jaafari emphasize the importance of concerted national efforts for the success of Iraq in the organization of the Arab Summit

27 March, 2012

Talabani and Jaafari emphasize the importance of concerted national efforts for the success of Iraq in the organization of the Arab Summit

Said President Jalal Talabani, the head of the National Alliance, Ibrahim Jaafari, the importance of concerted efforts of all national in order to Iraq's success in organizing the Arab summit Stadhavha Baghdad.

During the meeting, according to a statement by the Presidency of the Republic received Fayhaa a copy of it to emphasize the need to strengthen joint efforts between the various forces and political components and core in order to assist in the arrival of the national meeting witnessed by Baghdad late next week to the solutions needed to address the outstanding issues and achieve the understanding required at various levels.


Member of the Economic Committee: raising the issue of Arab economic integration and unification of customs tariffs in the meeting of ministers of fin

Tuesday 03/27/2012

Baghdad (news) .. Revealed by the Economic Commission parliamentary deputy / coalition in Iraq / Nora Albjara the launch of a number of important topics at the meeting of ministers of finance, economics and Arab traders today, the most important Arab economic integration, and standardization of customs tariff in between the Arab countries, weighted by the success of the meeting, which will support the Arab economy.
The Albjara (of the Agency news) on Tuesday: The most important issues to be raised at a meeting of ministers of economy, finance Arabs today in Baghdad of economic integration among Arab countries and make Alasouk Arab through a common currency union and Arab customs tariff for all countries, as it is now in the European Union, which will support the economies of Arab countries, especially Iraq.
She added that the achievement of the principle of Arab economic integration will deliver a great success and will support the economies of the Arab states because there are elements of help on it such as language common among the Arabs, in addition to the Islamic religion which prevail in most Arab countries, unexpected success of the meeting of the Ministers of Economy Arabs on all fronts, especially economic which is chaired by Iraq's trade minister at the Sheraton Hotel today.
She Albjara to: that the Arab economic integration would be the best way to get rid of financial crises that beset the countries of the world, especially Arab and success between Arab countries and will be successful not only in Iraq but all Arab countries in order to be markets of the Arab region, common in everything as is the case now in the European Union.
The member of the Economic Commission representative: that the issue of economic integration has been put in one of the Arab summits held in the mid-sixties, but it has done so far, but now there will be serious to activate the subject of Baghdad, a service to the peoples of all Arab. / Finished / 8. N. r /


Tuwaijri: Meeting of ministers of finance and economy in Baghdad will discuss the three basic axes of the most important of the Arab strategy for tour

Tuesday 03/27/2012

Baghdad (news) .. Said Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Affairs in the Arab League Mohammed Tuwaijri The meeting of the Ministers of Finance and Economy and Trade Forum will discuss the three basic axes.
He said to the reporter Tuwaijri Agency (news) on Tuesday began prior to the meeting: The meeting will be chaired by the Iraqi Trade Minister Khairallah Hassan Babiker, and with the participation of 21 Arab countries, where the Minister will hand over the Libyan economy chair the meeting, the Minister of Iraq.
He pointed out: that the meeting will discuss the three basic engaged in a dialogue (the Arab strategy for tourism and Arab water security strategy to meet the requirements of the future and the Arab strategy for disaster risk reduction).
The Tuwaijri: The meeting will also discuss a number of economic issues in the Arab world, and seeks out good results, and continued: that the university is considering the establishment of a early warning to predict natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods, warning that the Arab region of the areas most affected by global warming.
This begins with a meeting shortly after the Ministry of Finance and Economy and Trade Forum at the Sheraton Hotel in Baghdad. / End / 1. For. M /
