Monday, April 2 / April 2012
Said the head of the Liberal and a member of the Preparatory Committee for the meeting of the National Bahaa al-Araji, "The Preparatory Committee will meet on Tuesday to arrange the semi-final draft agreed between the political blocs.
Araji and according to a statement received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of it today, we are keen for the stairs all the problems of Iraq, whether political, legal, or differences between the political blocs or between the federal and provincial government, at the same time we want to be the solution constitutionally. "
He stressed the need for solutions to be a map of action for Iraq's post-withdrawal of U.S. troops. "Calling" the political blocs to be interactive and that take into account the interest of Iraq and Iraqis. "
Araji said that "the national meeting will be held on Thursday and the Iraqi List, eager to hold a meeting to resolve all outstanding problems.
This is due to hold leaders of political blocs next Thursday, April 5 national meeting after that select this appointment by President Jalal Talabani to discuss the current political crisis, especially the differences between the State of Law coalition, led by Nuri al-Maliki and the Iraqi List led by Iyad Allawi on several files, and differences between the government central and Kurdistan region especially with regard to the disputed areas and oil and gas law.
He called on Vice-President of the Republic on Sunday Khodair al members of the Preparatory Committee for the meeting on Tuesday evening, a prelude to the national meeting. / End.