Sunday, May 13, 2012

Deputy for change: the withdrawal of confidence from the government is normal and should get used to it

Sunday, May 13 / May 2012

MP from the parliamentary bloc of the change spectrum Mustafa said that the withdrawal of confidence from the government is normal and should get used to it.

He said in a statement to all of Iraq [where] the day that "the withdrawal of confidence from any government is unconstitutional may be resorted to him and it is normal should Natadeh without sensitivity if we are going in the path of democracy."

The MP added the change said, "In real parliamentary system the government should be prepared every day for the withdrawal of confidence by the House of Representatives should be prepared every day for the withdrawal of confidence from the government until the government feels it always control by Parliament."

Mustafa pointed out that "the political situation in Iraq will remain sufficiently dire if they do not meet the rule of law in the promises they made ​​to other political blocs according to an agreement of Arbil and will insist on the withdrawal of confidence."

The MP expressed his concerns about the change that the withdrawal of confidence from the current government will lead to another problem, a problem of government formation and duration of the new government to be formed. "

He called Mustafa "a state law that correspond with other political blocs because it is one of the government has set up one of the promised those blocks a set of promises, and those blocks is that state law did not implement any of those promises they have made," stressing "that the non-implementation of this promises to give the other blocs the right to withdraw confidence. "

And escalated hints and invitations political no-confidence for the Maliki government, especially after the co-cleric Moqtada al-Sadr in the consultative meeting Quintet, which was held on 28 April, in Erbil and resulted from that meeting a range of courses sent al-Sadr in a letter to the National Alliance on May 2 present the most prominent of grace Government 15 days, which will end next Thursday, 17 of the current month to approve the decisions of the meeting will be withdrawn and not trust them

However, some MPs felt that the time limit [15] identified by Moqtada al-Sadr, in his letter is the answer at the Government's initiative came in Erbil and the extent of their potential in the implementation of the provisions of this Convention. "Ended 2


Deputy for the National Alliance: Iraqi Kurdistan and agree to withdraw confidence from the Maliki

 Sun 05/13/2012

Baghdad (news) .. confirmed the MP / National Alliance / Hamid Zughayyar faith, that the list of Iraq and the Kurdistan Alliance agree to withdraw confidence from the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.
The Zughayyar to correspondence Agency (news) on Sunday: that the Iraqi Kurdistan and insist on not to hold a national conference, and the deadline set by the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, which will end next Thursday, to begin proceedings to withdraw confidence from the al-Maliki.

And some political circles, which says that the National Alliance is witnessing a domestic political crisis, denied the Attorney Zughayyar: that there is a crisis between the leaders of the National Alliance, as well as the lack of personal problems with someone Maliki. / Finished / 12 m. P ​​/

Mahma Khalil: German-Iraqi agreement would make Iraq an economic link between Europe and Asia

 Sun 05/13/2012
Baghdad (news) .. most likely decision of the Economic Commission deputy / Kurdish coalition blocs / Mahma Khalil, the vote on the law of strengthening bilateral relations between Iraq and Germany after the end of the holiday Legislative Council of Representatives, saying it would open the way to Iraq to enter the European markets through Berlin.
Khalil said (of the Agency news) on Sunday: The agreements concluded with the European countries have many advantages because the market is the European depends on the free economy, or so-called "open economy" and is based on several factors supporting the economies of the world, noting that the Iraqi agreement German will enhance the status of Iraq's economic because it will transfer his European experience to develop its economy.

He added that the activation of the law of joint cooperation between Iraq and Germany is necessary because it would open the way for Iraq to cross to the European markets through Berlin (German capital) and Iraq will become a link between Europe and Asia, noting that the law was its first reading in the House and may be read the second and voting on after the holiday granted to the legislative members of the House of Representatives.

The House of Representatives of Iraq has initiated the first reading of the Law of the Iraqi agreement - German (04/03/2012) you are interested in strengthening bilateral relations between Iraq and Germany and the bilateral cooperation in all fields, and the purpose of this Convention, which will remain in force for ten years, to protect and promote investment and exchanged between the Iraqi government and its counterpart in Germany.

The economy of Germany and one of the largest economies in the world, as it occupies the fourth place in terms of GDP after the United States, China, Japan, and ranked fifth in terms of purchasing power, and Germany is the most populous in Europe, where its population of 82 million people, and maintained Germany to a high standard of living. It is well known for Germany as embedded in the social security system, which flows from the prosperity of the German economy.

The agreement between the two countries to that in 'the event that any of the Contracting States shall pay the sums of money or compensation of any of its investors under a guarantee pledge on an investment within the territory of the other Contracting State, the Contracting State in the last and without damage to the rights of the Contracting State in the previous set forth in Article tenth of these investors recognize the waiver of any rights and demands, whether by law or legal process of the Contracting State first.

Since the Iraqi economy is in transition from a centralized totalitarian to a free market economy, he needs to experience the world, especially Europe, which flourished economically, as well as it needs to be legislation, legal support of the national economy and to the ideas and mentalities are able to absorb those experiences in order to qualify Iraq to enter the market EU in all economic fields. / Finished / 8. d. Q /

Expert: new steps must be taken to raise the value of Iraqi oil on world markets

  Sun 05/13/2012

Baghdad (news) .. Suggested oil expert Amr Hesham take new steps to raise the value and production of Iraqi oil, so it deserves to take its place in global markets.
Said Hisham (the Agency news) on Sunday: that Iraq has the third reserve is installed, it takes to be an economic powerhouse in the global market.

He added that the first condition for political stability is security, the fact that the political problems and internal strife make companies reluctant to come to Iraq, what the desire is an obstacle to investment. / End / 21. D. Q /

Attorney Khalidi: National Conference will be held the meeting because of a five-

 Sun 05/13/2012

Baghdad (news) .. rule out the decision of the House of Representatives MP / coalition in Iraq / Muhammad Al-Khalidi, the National Congress because of the letter addressed to political leaders at the meeting which was held in the five-Erbil.
He said Khalidi (of the Agency news): The National Conference will not be held because of the letter addressed by political leaders who met in (28) of last month in Erbil, stressing that the National Alliance will discuss all decisions of the meeting consisting of (9) points.

He added that the commitment to meeting the terms of the political blocs will Quintet outstanding problems in and out of Iraq from the current crisis.

This made President Talabani series of meetings during the past two days, with the prime minister and his deputy, Khodair al and National Congress leader Ahmed Chalabi, Deputy Prime Minister Saleh al-Mutlaq, head of the Islamic Supreme Council Ammar al-Hakim and others, to find mechanisms and consensus to resolve the political crisis. / End / 12. D. Q /