Sunday, March 18, 2012

Issawi: Finance will adopt the customs tariff in June next for consumer protection

Sun 03/18/2012

Baghdad (news) .. Finance Minister Rafie al-Issawi customs tariff for the immediate next June to support the industry, agriculture and protect the consumer and the producer of Iraq.
He said Finance Minister Rafie al-Issawi in a press conference held at the Directorate of Customs in Baghdad and attended by the Agency (news) said on Sunday: The ministry identified the first of June next date for the direct tariff customs for all goods entering Iraq, explaining that the application of the customs tariff will be in accordance with tight controls and control heavy on the staff.
He added that the customs tariff to be applied will not significantly impact on the consumer in terms of higher commodity prices in local markets, and will protect producer and consumer Iraqi alike and has developed an approach to tariff old had been working with Iraq before 2003, and will vary their proportions depending on the quality of goods and commodities.
He explained: that the application of the customs tariff that would support the production, industry, local agriculture and reduce flood the market with goods bad, as well as to facilitate Iraq's accession to the WTO, as well as the State's right to get on collection of goods and goods entering Iraq. / Finished / d. Q /


Maliki prepares for talks with the blocks side by the National Conference

Sun 03/18/2012

Baghdad / term

Plans to Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki do several meetings with representatives of the political blocs before the Arab summit conference later this month in order to provide a suitable platform for the National Conference. Sources told (range) yesterday, "said Maliki would put a compromise to require the Iraqi National Congress before the Arab summit through intensive meetings with representatives of the political blocs .

In order to develop appropriate solutions to some outstanding problems between all parties, especially with the Iraqi List. "
She and sources "that these meetings will provide a suitable platform for the National Conference Preparatory Committee, which works on the preparation of its agenda in this period."
It welcomed the Iraqi List, these invitations and MP Ziad worldwide abolition, "The large number of meetings that will bring the views," adding that "the basic problem is not in the collection of the parties in the side events as much as there must be solutions to a number of problems among them."
He continued worldwide abolition, the official negotiator on behalf of a cluster solution, in his speech (range) yesterday, "al-Maliki to resolve most differences through deeds, not words, the implementation of previous agreements."
And connects the MP for the Iraqi completion of the promises of the rule of law in good faith, and added, "We and our friends in the same boat, and it is correct and there is conflict between us because the biggest loser of Iraq and the political blocs together," calling to "make concessions by everyone, especially since all the parties see themselves on the right and others wrong. "
She was a cluster solution, one of the components of the Iraqi willingness to meet Maliki's call if they received at the time the next, and added, "will not be a substitute for the National Congress, who are working to stay in the moment."
He explained, "We are looking for the application of previous agreements, and recommendations that may come out of the upcoming meeting will be a dead letter if you were not there serious about making it a practical reality, but we are sure that there are some parties did not want us to reap the fruits of the political process, for various reasons may be related or pressure Foreign Affairs. "
He concluded MP from Iraq that "the meetings called for by al-Maliki complementary to the National Congress in order to create the appropriate atmosphere for holding the conference, because the differences great between us and the rule of law, and the other between the Kurdistan Alliance and Maliki's coalition on the one hand and the central government on the other hand, as well as push and pull between the components of the alliance National resentment, especially with the Sadrists what they see as the dominance of one party on the political decision. "
In terms of the National Congress declared a member of the Preparatory Committee Ammar Tohme, that the Tripartite Commission meeting will be held on Sunday to prepare the agenda of the National Congress.
He said Tohme in a press statement: The Tripartite Commission, which commissioned the Preparatory Committee of the National Conference to prepare the agenda of the conference according to the structural vernacular that approved by the Preparatory will reach consensus on the agenda of the conference reconstituted and organization, adding that the Tripartite Commission held its meeting last Wednesday and will hold another meeting today Sunday.
The negotiator for the National: It is expected to complete the Preparatory Committee agenda to be submitted to the Preparatory Committee for approval and the search mechanism for its implementation and drawing treatments of topics and guarantees required for the implementation and formulation of solutions, stressing that the difficulty of deciding on the timing of the National Congress, because it depends on the completion of the work of the Preparatory Committee.
The MP for the Iraqi Ahmed electrodes had earlier announced an agreement had been at a meeting of the Preparatory Committee of the National Conference to hold a conference before the Arab summit, pointing to the formation of a sub-committee of the inside of the Preparatory Committee to prepare a working paper of the Conference.
Electrodes and said in a statement after the meeting of the Preparatory Committee yesterday: The agreement took place between the representatives of political groups represented on the Committee to hold a conference before holding the Arab summit, as was agreed that the Agreement shall be Erbil first and most important item of the paper and the National Congress.
The electrodes: It was agreed to implement the terms of the rest of Erbil, which have not been implemented and be the first item to the terms of a working paper of the Conference, and solve the political problems that took place after the formation of the government, expressing optimism about the success of the National Congress after the results of today's meeting.
He pointed out that the meeting concluded that the formation of structure of the Conference, and the formation of a sub-committee of the Preparatory Committee, to prepare a working paper of the Conference, saying: that the meeting stressed the need for the success of the National Congress, but they did not set a date for the conference, noting that the agreement guarantees held by the Arab Summit.


Zobaie: Iraq has decided to withdraw its ministers in the event of non-implementation of the government to the demands of existing


The independent Iraqi news agency / Baghdad / n. X ... Declared leader of the Iraqi List, Talal Zobaie that Iraq has decided to withdraw its ministers from the government in the event of non-implementation or the government's response to the demands of existing and audiences.

Talal said in a statement Zobaie Received news today (and independent Iraqi news agency) that Iraq would withdraw its ministers from the list if you do not respond to the government to hold a national meeting during the Three days As well as the application of the Erbil and fully achieve the demands of the masses of the Iraqi List, the abolition of the law of accountability, justice and the application of the Amnesty Law.


IMF: China's yuan could become a reserve currency


The independent Iraqi news agency / listen ... Said Christine Lagarde, director of the International Monetary Fund in a speech on Sunday that the Chinese yuan could become a reserve currency in the future if China has undertaken further economic reforms.

Lagarde said that she was talking to Chinese policy makers and business leaders that the global China needs a roadmap for the exchange rate system stronger and more flexible.

China operates a closed system for the account of the capital and its currency is subject to the control of the Court of Greece, but Beijing says it wants to increase the international use of the yuan in settling trade transactions across the border has initiated a series of reforms in recent years in order to achieve that goal.


Parliamentary Economic Committee proposes the sale of crude oil with the dinar the lraqi to support and increase value.

Baghdad (news) .. Suggested by the Economic Commission for MP / coalition in Iraq / Nora Albjara sale of crude oil in Iraqi dinars instead of dollars, to support the local currency and increase its value against hard currencies.
The Albjara (for the Agency news) Friday: should work towards increasing the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar against foreign currency and making the dinar international currency deals all States abroad through the sale of a barrel of oil in Iraqi dinars, not U.S. dollars like some oil-producing countries that sell oil currency in order to support and increase its value.
She added that if the sale of crude oil has become the Iraqi dinar will generate increased demand for purchase by auction the central bank and this is what will lead to increased exchange rate against the hard currencies of the world are forced to deal in Iraqi currency abroad.
She Albjara to: that the central bank does not approve the sale of oil in Iraqi dinars for fear of the occurrence of fraud in the local currency that the phenomenon is now spread in the local markets because of the security situation, your experienced by Iraq after a year (2003), indicating that this process needs to security and stability by tightening the work of the forces of economic security to prevent fraud or the like. / Finished / 8. n. r /


Kuwait decided to release nine Iraqi prisoners, including the assassination of Bush, the father of the accused

Kuwait decided to release nine Iraqi prisoners, including the assassination of Bush, the father of the accused

Confirmed the Iraqi embassy in Kuwait, the Kuwaiti government ordered the release of nine Iraqis, including prisoners accused of the assassination of former U.S. President George HW Bush in 1993, confirmed that it will follow up their papers to return them to Iraq.
The ambassador said Mohammed Hussein Mohammed Bahr al-Ulum, the Emir of Kuwait Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah is on the occasion of National Day last for his country, an amnesty for nine Iraqi prisoners in Kuwait, noting that the Iraqi embassy relay now leaves those released to return them to Iraq. It is worth mentioning that the Commission on Human Rights in the House of Representatives had previously announced that there were about four thousand Iraqi detainees in the prisons of Iran, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, describing the file of the detainees out of Iraq Balhassas, while the judicial authorities demanded a mechanism to resolve the real issues of the detainees as soon as possible.


Iraq pays $ 408 million compensation to the Egyptians because of the Gulf War

Iraq pays $ 408 million compensation to the Egyptians because of the Gulf War

The Iraqi government announced it had agreed to pay $ 408 million to hundreds of thousands of Egyptian workers who have fled from it because of the dictatorial regime invasion of Kuwait in 1990-1991.
The Office of the Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari said he had signed a memorandum of understanding during a visit to Egypt last week, which was approved under which Baghdad to pay money to resolve the issue known as "hawala yellow".
And hundreds of thousands of Egyptians still wages owed ​​to them after they fled from Iraq in the wake of Saddam's invasion of Kuwait.
Iraq had reached an agreement last week to $ 500 million to resolve a dispute with Kuwait on aircraft and aircraft parts seized by Saddam's forces during the invasion. And make the conflict more difficult for Iraqi Airways flight to the western cities without facing the risk of confiscation of her aircraft.


Abdul Hussein al-Yasiri: Iraq will see significant economic growth after a summit Baghdad

Sun 03/18/2012

Baghdad (news) .. most likely a member of the Finance Committee MP / National Alliance / Abdul-Hussein al-Yasiri, to witness the development of the Iraqi economy in all sectors after the return of Iraqi relations - Arab and the Arab summit conference in Baghdad, which will contribute to the coming of the great Arab companies to invest in the country.
Yasiri said (of the Agency news) said on Sunday: that Iraq today is entirely different from the past and began to take even good steps forward through re its external relations with all countries in the world, particularly Arab countries and neighboring to it by the Arab summit conference in Baghdad, which will be held at the end of this month, and continued: What would make Iraq prosperous of all levels and aspects, and will have a large and active role within the region.
The Yasiri: that the Iraqi economy will see significant growth and significant development after the Arab summit, the fact that there are economic interests large will be activated between Iraq and the Arab countries on all sides and the conference will also contribute to the return of those interests, as well as the advent of the investment companies large Arab, especially Gulf to Iraqi territory to invest and contribute to building the Iraqi economy and its development.
He pointed to: that of international trade and commodity exchanges need to be policy based on strong relations with those countries in order to be prosperous and sophisticated, because the policies between countries and Bdilalha reflect negatively on all aspects of economic and trade among themselves.
The Ministry of Finance held a meeting in Baghdad, the Arabs before the day of the Arab summit to be held on 29 March of the current. / Finished / 8. N. R
