Ali said the Agency (news) said on Thursday that the Iraqi banks today, two branches of public and private face difficulties in how to deal with the citizen being ignorant of a lot of things that pertain to the banking Sukuk, savings and withdrawal of funds, etc., caused by lack of awareness of banking in Iraq.
He added that monetary policy should take its role in raising awareness and Guidance banking to the citizen through his handling of the traditional techniques currently used in most banks, as it has become necessary and must be dealt with.
He explained: that the conditions of some banks, especially community does not allow the introduction of modern banking technologies in place in most international banks in their work, the process of being dependent on electronic technology and a lot did not know these techniques, this process needs to have plenty of time to work on.
The Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Saleh revealed earlier (the news) about the presence of a study of the use of new techniques, called B (banks phone) in the banking, that is, the process of converting the bank account conducted via the mobile device to facilitate a lot of dealings between banks and the public.
He pointed to: that (80) percent of the citizens do not deal with banks in the process of farewell and the transfer of their accounts, but there are (80) percent of citizens own a mobile, so has been the development of this technology by the mobile. / Finished / 8. D. Q /