Monday 09/04/2012

Baghdad (news) .. likely a member of the Economic Commission deputy / coalition in Iraq / Nahida Daini create more of a free economic zone for the exchanges of trade in Iraq because of the economic zones are eligible to be the anchor for the exchanges of free trade in all provinces of the country, which will enhance the national economy and raising its . The Daini (the Agency news): There are negotiations with the Jordanian side on the establishment of a free zone for the exchanges of trade on the border with Iraq, and this will give impetus morally moving to create more of a free zone in the country, both in Diyala or Basra or the rest of the provinces, the fact that There are areas suitable and are intended to be a free economic zone, stressing not limited to these areas only on the Iraqi border, but even in the interior of the country. She added that these areas if established will increase the trade exchange with other countries and this is what will strengthen the Iraqi economy through increasing fiscal revenue to be derived from these projects to the state, therefore, Iraq is in dire need for the establishment of free zones, the economic advancement of the Iraqi economy. She MP Dani: During our meeting with the Minister of Finance and Chairman of the National in the last period there have been signals from them to work towards the establishment of free economic zones across the country, but they are still just proposals and plans, reflective in the coming period is witnessing an agreement with companies, global investment for the establishment of such areas in the country. / Finished / 8. n. r /
Monday 09/04/2012

Baghdad (news) .. The MP said the / Kurdistan Alliance bloc / Qasim, Sue, said that the current political crisis has entered a dark tunnel it had not been holding the National Convention, and the insistence of the federal government not to implement the demands of the Kurdistan region. He and Sue (the Agency news): that the political process entered into a dark tunnel, because of the National Conference and the insistence of the federal government not to implement the demands of the Kurdistan region agreed, noting that the political process need to be a meeting of leaders to resolve the crisis. The USW: he decided to postpone the National Congress to an unspecified time, indicating the depth of the differences between the political blocs, and the insistence of the federal government not to implement what was agreed upon before the formation of the government with the leaders of Kurdish enter the political process in a dark tunnel, which calls for a meeting fast for leaders to resolve the crisis as soon as possible. A member of this coalition of the center MP / coalition in Iraq / Mohammad Iqbal, said that the negotiations between the representatives of the political blocs on the ongoing political crisis or the agenda of the National Congress is still taking place within the framework of the first box, stressing that the citizen is the first victim of the political crisis. The turnout (for the Agency news) at the time of the morning on Monday: that the blocks are keen on the appearance of seriousness in negotiations but they are still taking place within the framework of the first box, adding that the Iraqi bloc continuous with the rest of the blocks to search for a way to resolve the crisis despite a drop in some of the political blocs for implementation of the Convention of Arbil, which was formed on the basis of the government. / End / 33. for. m /
Monday 09/04/2012

Baghdad (news) .. Likely member of a coalition of state law MP / National Alliance / Ilah Naieli, injury Kurdistan Region President Masoud Barzani knot in life, "Nuri al-Maliki," because of the successes achieved by including the Arab Summit in Baghdad. He said Naieli in a statement (of the Agency news) said on Monday: The statements convulsive fired by Massoud Barzani, do not serve the political process and the Kurdistan region, explained that Barzani upset of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki for his success continued, and through his attacks on the federal government and the lack of response Maliki on it. The MP for the National: The President of the Region has become has held an "al-Maliki" (to him), because of the successes achieved as passing American troops and the holding of the Arab summit in Baghdad, adding that he is not the validity of the regional president to withdraw the authority from the Prime Minister and the coalition National is now more times in support of the owners. On the other hand, said a member of a coalition of state law, MP / National Alliance / Khaled al-Asadi, the Kurds and strategic ally of the National Alliance and can not be abandoned, the difficulty of confirming the withdrawal of confidence in Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki. He said al-Asadi (the news) on Monday morning: that the political and historical relationship with the Kurds or Kurdistan Alliance strategy and can not be abandoned or break the partnership with them, saying that trying to draw confidence from the Prime Minister just a media interview. He added that the National Alliance stands on one level with all the political blocs, but our primary allies, the Kurds, and continued: that the crisis will be solved and the existing, we can say about it "soil storm" hit the political process will go. Has entered the political crisis resulting from the differences between the political blocs after the dark tunnel of the Preparatory Committee could not be an agreement on the agenda of the National Congress, where representatives of the political blocs decided to postpone the conference until further notice. / Finished / 7. N. R /
Monday 09/04/2012

Baghdad (news) .. A member of the block free of the Sadrist movement MP / National Alliance / Hossein Sharifi, the Kurdish regional President Massoud Barzani does not have enough votes in the House of Representatives to withdraw confidence from the current government headed by Nuri al-Maliki. He Sharifi said in a statement (of the Agency news) said on Monday: that the statements convulsive launched by the political blocs, including statements made by the President of the Kurdistan region, does not serve the political process, not the Iraqi people who suffer from a lack of services, unemployment, stressing that the threats of Barzani to withdraw confidence from the government , difficult to implement because it does not have enough votes in the House of Representatives. He pointed out: the existence of a Kurdish movement, voices of change refused to withdraw confidence from the government that Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki. The MP for / block and the national / Alloizi Abdul Rahman, said: The differences between Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and Kurdish regional President Massoud Barzani became the largest of the dispute between Iraq and the rule of law, especially after beating the drums of war. He Alloizi (the news) that the current political scene is very complex, especially with the emergence of new differences on the surface, because of the conflicting powers of the region and the center. / Finished / d. N /