
Baghdad (news) / report / Hussein Faleh / ..
After cabinet decision to cancel the ration card and compensating
amount of money of $ (15) thousand dinars, which angered ordinary
citizens and described by some as the decision unfairly targeted the
poor class of the society, while he sees the other as a bold decision
aimed at eliminating corruption was rampant in the Ministry of Commerce.
Has confirmed a number of MPs that the decision "Saeb" and fight
corruption in the Ministry of Trade and specifically the process of
importing and distributing individuals ration card but needs a specific
mechanism to be applied through the formation of a government committee
to control food prices in the local market, in addition to increasing
the amount to (25 ) thousand dinars to enable citizens to purchase
materials from the market, demanding their talk (of the Agency news)
except flour cancellation of the decision being the basic material needs
of the Iraqi citizen.
Economic committee chairman MP / coalition in Iraq / Ahmed al-Alwani,
said: Despite the money allocated in the general budget, which is
estimated billions of dollars for the ration card and the efforts by the
Ministry of Commerce to improve their reality, but the ministry proved
its inability to provide vocabulary fully to the citizens and of good
He Alwani (of the Agency news): The final decision issued by the
Council of Ministers to cancel the ration card and replace it with money
is "good" in principle, although he came hasty some thing, but needs to
be a specific mechanism and deliberate to avoid increasing prices in
local markets through control of the market and the provision of
strategic stocks to avoid any crisis get the local market.
He noted: that the amount estimated by the government, which will
ration card and adult (15) thousand dinars inadequate for citizens, so
we should work to increase the amount allocated and remains support
continuous flour by the Ministry of Commerce as a longer background
material intervention in staple food of the people, as well as
activating the role of the central markets in order not to give the
opportunity to weak souls of monopoly or manipulating the prices of food
to cause a crisis in the country.
The Cabinet decided at its forty-eighth, which was held Tuesday (6
November 2012), replacing the ration card currently applicable amounts
of cash distributed to the covered system mentioned by (15) thousand
dinars for each individual.
Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has been considered, that the ration card
system in need of reform, stressing that the Council of Ministers
decided to provide food in the markets in addition to the amount due,
also considered the Commerce Department that the cabinet's decision to
abolish the ration card "for the benefit of the citizen", vowing it
inject food in the market at a subsidized price after the cancellation
of the card, with a Council of Ministers confirmed the good plan to
prevent any state or high inflation in food prices within the Iraqi
As revealed by the Commission services MP / National Alliance / Kamilh
Moussawi: the existence of corruption during the process of importing
the ration card items When it came to Iraqi ports are unloaded trucks
and fake without the knowledge of the Ministry of Commerce and is thrown
material on the market and sold at commercial rates.
Musawi said (of the Agency news): Some families complain of lack of
delivery of the ration card four fully them monthly and other hosts
complaining of poor materials that reach them, so there operations great
corruption issue ration card, the government and the House of
Representatives failed to fight for years throughout.
She: The decision to replace the ration card with money to the people
will eliminate the rampant corruption by and serve the citizen, in spite
of the amount allocated to him good, but must grow to (25) thousand
dinars and exception flour from the decision to cancel the citizens can
provide basic food items to him and according to specifications and
qualities desired by.
As a member of the Committee on the economy and investment MP /
coalition of Kurdish blocs / Jassim Mohammed Hussein, has said: that his
committee surveyed completely in the form of a questionnaire to all
Iraqi provinces for quality Vocabulary ration card that link citizens
were findings suggest that citizens complain of not delivering materials
to them fully a month, as well as poor brands and some of them did not
receive any material of food available in the ration card.
Hussein said (of the Agency news): Corruption is not only in the
Ministry of Commerce, but there are mafias are replacing food either
from companies or agents ration, adding that most of the materials that
are distributed unfit for human consumption "and some citizens in the
province of Nineveh sell their shares to الغنامة to be used as feed for
the animals. "
He added: that the replacement of the ration card system amount of
money better than the distribution of poor is not fit to use as food for
citizens, calling for an exception flour that citizens can not be
indispensable in his table daily and increase the amount to (25)
thousand dinars instead of (15) thousand dinars.
He had guessed Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to increase the amount of
(15) thousand dinars alternative ration card to (25) thousand dinars.
And trimmed the Ministry of Commerce in 2010, the ration card to five
core subjects are flour, rice, sugar, oil, and milk for children, and
confirmed that the rest of the ration card items that can be purchased
from local markets such as legumes, tea, washing powder and adult milk
will be canceled.
It is noteworthy that the majority of Iraqis depend on what furnish
their ration card in their daily lives since the start of the
international embargo on Iraq in 1991 after the Kuwait war, and includes
ration per capita rice, flour, vegetable oil, sugar, tea, washing
powder, soap, milk dried (for adults), and powdered milk (for children),
and legumes lentils, beans and chickpeas, and estimated the value of
these materials per capita in the domestic market by about ten dollars,
not counting children's milk, while it is obtained through the ration
card $ 500 dinars. / end / 8.. /