Erbil, February 9 (Rn) - A Second Deputy Chairman of the Board of Representatives, a member of the Kurdistan Alliance, said on Thursday that the Kurdistan Alliance is preparing to deliver a project that aims to address the current political crisis in Iraq, noting that the agreement Kurdish former contained 19 points will be the rule in the preparation of the project.
He continued, saying, "We will in the coming days will present it to the Iraqi List and the National Coalition," adding, "it was to rely on paper Kurdish former included 19 points in the preparation of the project, which was signed Hman Conference Erbil by Iraqi political parties when forming the government, the end of 2010 ".
He Tayfur that "the project emphasizes the need to implement Article 140 of the constitution, along with an emphasis on approving oil and gas law," noting that "state law indicates that the terms of the Irbil have been implemented except for one point, while denies the Iraqi List, the implementation of the terms of the agreement ".
For his part, MP for the Islamic Group's Light Daragae (Rn) that "the Convention Kurdish included 19 points and the point has been implemented only one of them, the formation of the Iraqi government and the distribution of powers between the political parties."
However, saying "So far, no implementation of Article 140 is constitutional, and no formation of strategic policy, not solving the problem of the Peshmerga, has not been a census, or approved oil and gas law, and that the terms of the most prominent of Arbil."
Is scheduled to meet 15 representatives of the major political blocs in the Iraqi parliament on Sunday, to determine the date of the forthcoming National Congress called by President Jalal Talabani.
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