Sunday, February 12, 2012
The member of the Economic Commission for parliamentary bloc MP Hussein virtue Olmrobei Central Bank to increase liquidity to maintain the value of the Iraqi dinar against the U.S. dollar.
A statement of his agency received all of Iraq [where] a copy of it with him to say that "the high price of the dollar on the Iraqi dinar caused by the central bank from making procedures and new regulations for the circulation of foreign currency and the impact on the lack of pumping," adding that "the central bank did not work that controls the former is effect on the high price of foreign currency. "
He added that "the procedures followed by the central bank came at the wrong time and it was supposed to inform the Economic Committee in the House of Representatives to discuss the details of the procedures and knowledge of their impact on the economic situation in the country."
As for the dollar from Iraq and replace the Almrobei that "Maichea the withdrawal of Iraq from the dollar and replace it in other currencies are untrue and aim is to disrupt the political and economic situations in the country." Ended

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