Iraq receives requests from the World Trade Organization membership to accept conditional
Iraq received a list of applications for the amendment of the majority of laws and other legislation as a condition for accession to the WTO.
The deputy governor of the Central Bank of Iraq the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, "has already been carried out of the Iraqi in charge of follow-up procedures for joining the World Trade Organization several rounds of negotiations with the organization," noting that it "reached as we receive a long list of demands that can be described Palmakdh."
said Mohammed said "the implementation of these demands need to change many laws, both approved by the former regime, or adopted after 2003, in addition to the legislation of new laws in order to create Iraq to keep up with the laws of the members of the Organization."
and added that "the organization called for changing the labor laws, trade, investment and customs and the laws of money, which is difficult, being the need for concerted legislative and executive branches. "
For his part, asked the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, Nassar al-Rubaie, "the government of reneging on a continuing project to join the organization."
And saw the spring that "necessity require the patient because of what ails the country's problems will multiply later. "
For his part, said a member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee Faleh valid Djiashi that "the advantages of Iraq's accession to the WTO outweigh the disadvantages, which is a national asset to revitalize the Iraqi economy, particularly the private sector."
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