Baghdad, March 11 (Rn) - Commission asked for the economy and investment representative, Sunday, the Iraqi Central Bank to pay all the money of citizens who deposited in the Warka Bank of Iraq Investment and Finance, who suffered a financial crisis, saying that many of the citizens' complaints against the Warka Bank came to the Commission.
The main tasks of the Central Bank in managing monetary policy in the country, and raise the value of Iraqi dinar and tackle inflation.
A member of the Committee Mahma Khalil told the Kurdish news agency (Rn), "The government and Central Bank of Iraq take responsibility for payment of all dues citizens financial implications of the Warka Bank Ahli after suffering a financial crisis," noting that "a lot of people lost their Bank of Warka."
He explained that "many citizens' complaints against the Warka Bank came to the Commission after their financial loss, because of the mistaken policy of the bank."
He continued that "the Iraqi environment in the area of banking business is one of the lush environments in the region through the profits they get from the citizens." He said.
And sought the Warka Bank, according to economic reports to come out of his financial entry through the Bembagesat with the British bank Standard Chartered to sell a share of the shares, but the talks have reached a dead end.
The decision to place custody of the Warka Bank in the Central time enter the new mechanism requiring the withdrawal of foreign currency on the basis of the importance of development projects in the country, after news spread of the breadth of the phenomenon of smuggling hard currency, especially to Iran, facing international sanctions.
Revealed the parliamentary finance committee yesterday adopted a resolution calling the Iraqi Central Bank Governor Sinan Shabibi to discuss the financial crisis that hit the Warka Bank and the National mechanism to bring him back on track.
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